Ruderverein Dorsten

Aktuell 14.01.25
Termine 06.06.24
Km-Liste 31.12.24
Presse 19.07.24

Über's Rudern... →
Rudersport →
Fußball → 07.03.20
Der Verein →
Internes → 07.02.19
Junioren →



Ruderverein Dorsten - Ostfrieslandwanderfahrt Emden & Greetsiel

May 16 - 20, 2007 - Journey Report written by Mark Osborne
Ausschreibung, Fahrtroute - Einleitung - Wednesday : Arrival - Thurdsday : Greetsiel - Friday : back to Emden Sightseeing - Saturday : around Emden - Sunday : Wattwanderung Baltrum - Gesamtansicht

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Sunday : Wattwanderung Baltrum

After 3 days enjoyable rowing what was left for the Sunday was for some the Icing on the Cake and for others a small nightmare. However I think for all of us it was a memory and experience that with at least hindsight we will never forget and indeed for most of us was in fact enjoyable. It was a 'Watt Wanderung'. I had no idea what this was but was informed it is a stroll along the beach. Never believe any tour guides from Emden Rowing Verein! They are known to tell half truths!

20.05.2007 06:43

20.05.2007 07:07

20.05.2007 08:23

20.05.2007 08:22

20.05.2007 08:35

20.05.2007 08:49

20.05.2007 08:50

It was in fact a stroll across the sand to the Island of Baltrum..... of course when the tide is out! Erhard informed us that provided we made it across then we could take the ferry back! What we were to do if we did not make it across we daren't ask!

20.05.2007 09:27

20.05.2007 09:52

20.05.2007 09:53

20.05.2007 09:58

20.05.2007 09:58

20.05.2007 09:59

20.05.2007 10:00

20.05.2007 10:00

20.05.2007 10:14

I must admit it was highly satisfying walking across the estuary and then wading across the 'prills' and knowing that in a few short hours it would be covered in water. After making it across....just...only joking, we made our way to some fine places to eat on Baltrum. I can only say that a little old lady pointed Eva, Heiner, Wolfgang and I in the completely wrong direction and we ended up walking a few more klicks (km) before we could sit down and enjoy fish and chips.

20.05.2007 10:17

20.05.2007 10:27

20.05.2007 11:06

20.05.2007 11:06

20.05.2007 11:21

20.05.2007 11:53

20.05.2007 11:53

20.05.2007 12:38

20.05.2007 13:03

20.05.2007 12:16

An overcrowded ferry took us back to the mainland where we all said our goodbyes to one another and then made the rather tiring car journey back home. It just remains to say to those of you that have read this far you deserve a medal. I would just like to say that you always have made me feel very very welcome and I thoroughly enjoyed all of your company. And yes Inge....... I will enter the 2000m at the Indoor Cup next year. See, now it is in writing. No backing out now.

Mark Osborne

20.05.2007 13:15

20.05.2007 13:20

20.05.2007 13:35

20.05.2007 13:37

20.05.2007 14:02

20.05.2007 14:06

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