Ruderverein Dorsten

Aktuell 14.01.25
Termine 06.06.24
Km-Liste 31.12.24
Presse 19.07.24

Über's Rudern... →
Rudersport →
Fußball → 07.03.20
Der Verein →
Internes → 07.02.19
Junioren →



Ruderverein Dorsten - Ostfrieslandwanderfahrt Emden & Greetsiel

May 16 - 20, 2007 - Journey Report written by Mark Osborne
Ausschreibung, Fahrtroute - Einleitung - Wednesday : Arrival - Thurdsday : Greetsiel - Friday : back to Emden Sightseeing - Saturday : around Emden - Sunday : Wattwanderung Baltrum - Gesamtansicht

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Wednesday : Arrival

Short description: three days of rowing around Emden and Greetsiel with a total of 95 km - see Ausschreibung, Fahrtroute for details

This years Wanderrudern took place in and around the town of Emden. Once again it was organized by our own Martin Dittrich. The decision to write in English was not mine but rather everyone else's. Knowing how I write German I take their point. I do hope that everybody's school English is better than my School German and that my text is understood. Forgive me if some of what I have written is incorrect as my memory fades with every passing hour, and my ability to remember places and names is somewhat weak. I think it is part of being English or maybe it is just men. Whatever I apologise up front for any technical errors.

Lets us start by naming the 19 adventurous rowers. Erhard Bode (vom "Heimathafen" Emder Ruderverein, Rita Bühler (Frauenruderclub am Wannsee, Berlin), Eva Orosi and Ingrid Kramer (Köln), Friederike von Wiser and Susanne Stränger (Kettwiger Ruder-Regattaverein, Essen), Ille Benkmann, Christine Schilo and Rüdiger Fraatz (Alster Ruderverein Hanseat, Hamburg), Inge Ulbrich (Vegesacker Ruderverein), Margita "Stöpsel" Voswinkel (Bremen), Jochen Zarnkow (RV Nürnberg) and Wolfgang Czopka, Martin Dittrich, Mark Osborne, Klaudia Ott, Heiner Streppelhoff, Sabine and Hartmut Thordsen (all Ruderverein Dorsten).

16.05. Wednesday : Arrival in Emden

If you are going to have rain then let it rain on the journey to Emden. Rain it did and in bucketloads. So many bucketloads that we started to have misgivings about the choice of dates for rowing. However, after arriving at the Youth Hostel and meeting up with everybody, the weather gods permitted us to see abit of the evening sun! Hopes went up.

16.05.2007 20:16

16.05.2007 20:17

16.05.2007 20:18

Hartmut Thordsen, Christine Schilo, Mark Osborne and our Emden RV guide Erhard Bode drove on to the first days target of Greetsiel to park up the van and cars needed to take us all back to Emden on the Thursday night. Everyone else remained in Emden and decided to have a drink at Pub Nr. 12 or was it 13. I couldn't understand if one had to start at Pub 1 and make your way to Pub 12 after having a drink at all the pub numbers inbetween or you were allowed to skip a pub or 8! When Hartmut, Christine, Erhard and I arrived somewhat later I thought everyone was quite sober. Either the beer was weak or my fellow rowers have that ability to down a drink or two without it affecting them.....or maybe they did not attend Pubs 1 -11. No one will tell me.

16.05.2007 20:18

16.05.2007 20:18

16.05.2007 21:19

In Greetsiel we first learned of Erhards enthusiasm as a tour guide and Hartmut, Christine and I were taken to a nice Pub in Greetsiel harbour where we had a beer and listened to abit of Platt least that is what they told me it was. It could have been Japanese for all I know.

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